We took our house sight-unseen. We knew God was lining something up for us. Here is yet another example where trusting in God's faithfulness proved to be a big blessing.
The house is spacious and fully furnished.
And check out this view!!!
Naomi and Gideon decided that they did, indeed, want separate bedrooms. This is Naomi opening up her "toy carry on" in her new room.
Dianne Strachan brought over their un-used Wii for us to use. (This act alone changed G's view on the move.)
JR got to school the kids on Mario Kart.
Lots of people post photos of their feet overlooking the ocean on facebook. I thought I'd post my cozy toes overlooking our view from our bed, overlooking Peterhead Bay. (We have since moved our bedroom and this view is now from our living room window.)
The kids were having fun playing in their rooms... forts, rolling around, playing under the bed...
Our first Sunday back, we were greeted with banners the Monday Night Club made for us.

We were so blessed by our reception by the congregation. God re-affirmed His calling us here at this time and to this people.
Look what I found on the bulletin board!
And, after the pot-luck, this is how I found the children...
I was planning on the kids having a 3 week break from school. There were only 4 days left in the Peterhead school before Easter Break. However, my children BEGGED to go to school.
I knew I didn't have all the pieces of their uniform together, but we dressed them as smartly as we could and headed to school about 15 min. early the first Monday we were in town.
Registering them for school was SO EASY compared to VA. We filled out paperwork and took them to class.
They both LOVED it! Naomi's first response when I asked her what she thought was, "Everyone wanted to be my friend!"
Another glimpse of our view as we headed to take the kids to school the 2nd day...
This is Meethill School.
It is an "open-plan" school. This means that Primary 1,2, and 3 are all in this big room. They have designated areas. I like it for the fact that Naomi (P1) and Gideon (P2) can look up and see each other all day. Plus, they sit side-by-side at lunch in a group of their new friends.
Our first Fish-n-Chips order!
March 27th was my dad's birthday. The kids made a video for him:
And the view, again... :)
Elaine Presley introduced the kids to karate at the community centre. They had a blast! (We are waiting to see how our schedules work before making a commitment to this, though.)
A morning Bible story to arm them before school...
I am SO glad the kids decided to go to school before the Easter Break. They are very happy with their new school, classes, and routines.
On Wednesday, since Naomi's class had been learning about castles, they had a medieval feast!
Thursday, Gideon came home from school with a certificate from his teacher commending him for his ability to quickly make friends. (Well... actually, by the second day he had a girl come up to him and tell him that she was already "in love" with him!)
He is so proud!
The newest obsession is SKYLANDERS!
Back in Virginia, the kids pooled their money and got the starter pack since we knew we were getting a Wii. The sales clerk assured me that the Wii games were universal. They. were. not.
After a week of disappointment in not being able to play their new game, we shipped off their Skylanders to Bangkok for the cousins (and "Fun"cle Brent) to enjoy, and we picked up a UK version at Tesco.
This game is a lot of fun for the entire family and the kids can't seem to get enough of it.
And another breathtaking shot of our view...
While we were here in the summer of 2011, we made friends with Stephanie Doolan and her 3 kids: Daniel, Liam, and Jessica.
We have been spending a lot of fun time with them in our short time back.
The kids insisted on inviting them to our traditional "Resurrection Roll" time. So we did! After meeting up for McDonalds and making even more friends at the Amazone, we headed back to our house for the tradition.
While the rolls were baking I read the story of the crucifixion and resurrection from our Jesus Storybook Bible. You should have seen Daniel's shocked face when I told him that Jesus is our King as I launched into the reading.
This is why we are here, folks. We are here to share the Good News that Jesus paid the price for our sin. And that He rose, victorious over death!
The Doolans liked our Easter tradition so much, they invited us to share in their tradition the next day. And we have plans to make this a yearly Easter tradition!
The kids have been having fun in the "backy". They have a "fitba" and a goal.
Here are the obligatory Easter photos...
After worshiping with our church family, we joined the Doolans for their Easter tradition: Rolling eggs!
We walked across the street and rolled the eggs down a huge hill until the (boiled) eggs cracked. G's lasted the longest, so he won.
Our time here has already been so full of wonderful moments.
Of course, there are the moving-to-a-new-country-and-figuring-stuff-out-frustrations, but we are well aware that we are blessed.
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