Gideon finally has a crib! We ordered it last week when my parents were here. And it came yesterday afternoon. (I had it put together and in place before JR came home from work.)

We chose the mini crib because we're in an apartment, it converts into a twin bed instead of a full, and how big does a crib for a baby really need to be anyway?

I don't even think that Gideon noticed he was sleeping in something new. Although while I was putting it together, he kept reaching out for the shiny black bars.

And here's a picture of the mood he's in today. JR captured this face. We see it inbetween hiccoughs and smiles.
OH, and Happy Birthday to Kelli (sister to some, aunt to Gideon, and friend to all).
We saw this monkey backpack/child leash today and thought of you. I also thought about buying it and sending it down and then I realized that I don't know where you live. :-)
That crib is beautiful! And any baby that is sleeping is also a beautiful sight, amen? :)
the crib looks great! i can't wait until ours gets here with the rest of our things. and that last picture of gideon is priceless. why do they still look cute when they are in those moods??
and thanks for the birthday wishes. wish you were here to help celebrate!
Hey Daisha!! I saw your mom at church today (I was visiting the parents), and she told me about your blog. Your baby is adorable, and it looks like you guys are having so much fun! God bless you guys, and if you're ever coming through Nashville, let me know my email is hopehuck@yahoo.com). :)
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