This week we are reading

as a family.
"Stuart Little" is the only book JR remembers enjoying as a boy. :)
The entire family is enjoying the cuddle-time on the couch with this short, imaginative book. Gideon and Naomi like to giggle at the voices JR has for the different characters.
Today, as part of school, the kids and I drew pictures of "Stuart". This is the beginning process to get them to start processing the information they are learning. As their drawing skills improve, I'll expect more details from the story. Right now, their verbal responses indicate that they are engaged in the story and are remembering it from chapter to chapter.

These drawings are the beginning stages of what will one day be book reports. (It's nice to see it in the simple beginning stages, isn't it?)

What books have you enjoyed reading aloud as a family?

Oh, Daisha, I almost cried reading your blog because my boys have reached an age where they would rather read to themselves! Before I clicked over here, I had just thought to myself, "I need to go in their room and start reading to them, whether they want me to or not!"
You have inspired me! Joshua read Stuart Little a couple of years ago, but that would be a good one to read aloud to both of them.
I am so amazed at your dedication to homeschool. It truly takes a whole different mindset and I'm thankful there are people like you in the world that are willing to do it.
you and your family reading together brings back fond memories for me :)
Growing up some of my favorites were Beverly Clearly's "Ralph S. Mouse" and her "Ramona" series
By reading to your kids, this teaches them the joy of reading and they will cherish these memories all the way through to adulthood just like my sisters and I have.
Thanks, Jenn Goff Sale
we are reading "farmer boy", the third book in little house on the prairie! and we're starting our "five in a row" adventure next week, so i'm make sure to tell you how that goes!
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