Our Mission Statement

As a family of servants of God, we seek to Glorify Him by offering our lives as living sacrifices, being intentional about engaging people with Christ and the Gospel, and using the talents and training He has given us through grace to proclaim the Gospel of Grace to those near and far.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Naomi's 2nd Birthday Party

Our new circumstances in a new place have put a halt on my elaborate b-day celebrations for the kids. But then the ice-storm came and knocked all the wind out of the sails of Naomi's quiet, home party. Luckily, she's young enough that she doesn't know the difference. (But I do.) :S

Anyway, Naomi has been getting her presents in spurts. We hid the "Printhess Scooter" that Debby got her in the pantry. But Naomi went to throw something away and saw it. So she got it early. The items that I've bartered for have not come in the mail yet, so she had no presents from us. My parents were snowed-in in Searcy, so she'll get those presents when we go for N's check up on the 9th and 10th.

However, she was able to open her presents from Brent, Kelli, Rachel, and Simon over a web-chat. That was pretty fun, and she talked about it all day. (I forgot to take pictures of her doing that.)

While I made cupcakes (my cake pans are apparently with the missing silverware... which I didn't realize until we were frozen in), the kids, JR and Debby (who came up for the weekend) snowboard/sledded in our front "yard". (no pics, sorry)

For dinner, we had home-made pizza which is one of Naomi's favorites. Then we opened the presents we had here that were left. Gideon picked out princess shoes for N to wear with her dress up clothes. Debby got her some clothes and a new baby-doll which she named "Kerri" after Elaina's friend.

Then we had singing and cake on "printhess plates".

She's having a blast.

Tomorrow, I will interview her for her 2 year development report. Then Wednesday I will "go dark". I bought the 3-day Potty-training e-book I mentioned previously. We are almost out of diapers, so Wednesday we will throw away whatever we have left and knock this potty-training out. Don't worry... I'll post a full review of the book and the process. (and whether-or-not it works) :)

Here's the slide-show of Naomi's "party".


April said...

Happy Birthday, Naomi!!! Daisha, I just LOVE all the pictures of your two kids in the previous post. They are adorable...and you're good!

Deborah said...

Okay, the sequence of pictures of Gideon giving Naomi her "printhess shoes" was so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Naomi, beautiful little "printhess" of hearts.

Thanks Daisha for the pictures. It was a lovely Birthday party and we are happy you shared with us through the great pictures.

Love you all,
g-grandma Betty & g-grandpa Bob

Janay said...

Hey, don't forget to have someone take a picture of you with your princess on her big day! I ALWAYS forget to get a family shot.

LOVE the pictures of her opening gifts, what precious expressions.