The first few photos are from when just the Sheets went to Harding's campus to check out the lights.
We follow that up with some Christmas cooking prep, followed by Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This morning we had our traditional Men-Cook-for-the-Women breakfast. And the last few of the pics are of Naomi in her princess/ballerina garb.
*Gideon had "instructions" so that he could identify and hand out everyone's presents. As a result, he can now sight-read all of our family's names.
*I have yet to take a picture of it, but JR's present to me is a BEAUTIFUL ring to wear on my right hand. B-E-A-Utiful!
*Until last night, all the games we played with the family, Mom/Gigi was always on the winning team. However, last night the ladies lost one round of Mental Floss to the men.
*We've started a new tradition of singing and dancing the SuperWhy! dance as the start to the Men-Cook-for-the-Women breakfast. (We know, we are weird.)
And on to the slide-show...
It's hard to believe that this is what the kids looked like last year (same pjs).

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