Our Mission Statement

As a family of servants of God, we seek to Glorify Him by offering our lives as living sacrifices, being intentional about engaging people with Christ and the Gospel, and using the talents and training He has given us through grace to proclaim the Gospel of Grace to those near and far.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday Weigh-In

Well, one week down, 29 lbs. to go. I lost 3 lbs. this past week! I think this is pretty good considering that I'm having a hard time finding time for the work-outs.

You'd think that finding 10 min. in my day to work out wouldn't be all that hard. But I'm not sure I'll get a shower everyday... so... let's just say that I'm still trying to manage my time with two kids still. :)

I've also been re-considering the "calorie count" portion of SparkPeople. Yes, it's a great tool. But I've also been watching TLC's "I Can Make You Thin". When I put into practice Rule 3: Eat Consciously, I realized that the portion I had given myself b/c I knew how many calories it was, was more food than I actually wanted at that time. But since I knew how many calories, and it was well within the range for the day, I ate it anyway. I'm wondering if following Rule 3 would actually allow me to eat less and not have to worry about remembering what I've eaten when I'm away from the internet. This weekend I was not at home for the majority of it, and the recording of the calories was a hassle. If this is to be a life-change, then it should be as easy as possible... right? Any thoughts from you guys out there as to whether I should give up the counting and just stick with the eating consciously? From the tracking this past week, I've realized that I don't really go much outside my range anyway.

So... to re-cap:

1. 3 lbs. lost
2. Still looking for time to work-out
3. Debating about calorie-counting vs. eating consciously

Weigh-in with your thoughts. :)


(Easter pics will be up later.)


Tiffany said...

I've started slowing down about halfway through the meal and asking after each bite, "Do I feel full now?" As soon as the answer is "yes," I put the rest in tupperware for later.

Leah said...

Okay, I have been lurking for a while but finally feel the need to comment! I am a dietitian, so I love your questions and thoughts re: calorie counting. I would encourage you to "eat consciously" rather than calorie counting. I believe it is better in the long run because you train yourself to think about your hunger level and stop when you are full. Just had to put in my two cents!

Carris Family said...

When Rob was losing all his weight. He really had to retrain his thoughts regarding food portions and quantities, to this end it helped him to count calories, more then counting calories though we paid attention to the suggested portion size, and level of satisfaction. I have witnessed first had the hard work and discipline it takes to lose weight, Rob had to work hard to learn about portions and it helped initially to be aware of calories. Do what works best for you!!

Unsinkable Kristen said...

what worked for me (I lost all my Baby David weight in about a month, but then I had to work on the weight I was still carrying from Tot - LOL) was going on daily walks with both of the kids. I strapped Little David into a front side baby carrier, loaded the Tot into a stroller and walked around the block. I didn't do long walks, or fast ones, but I did it every day - even if they cried and even if I was tired. It made the weight come off very fast and it made me much more sane :) Getting us all out of the house at least once a day was huge for our happiness.

Oh, I also did a lot of water drinking (I just kept a huge mug by me every time I sat down to nurse) and I ate smaller meals that I could eat while nursing or toddler wrangling (my favorite was peanut butter on a low carb tortilla, adding honey is even better).

Anyways, you're doing great. Just remember that you don't have to make some huge plan to do this. You can do some small things each day and it really does add up. Also, the kids are stinking adorable.