Our Mission Statement

As a family of servants of God, we seek to Glorify Him by offering our lives as living sacrifices, being intentional about engaging people with Christ and the Gospel, and using the talents and training He has given us through grace to proclaim the Gospel of Grace to those near and far.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

13 Months Old

Sorry, no picture. I have to stop doing the monthly photo sometime. A year seems like a nice time to cut it off. No 18 yr. old I know would still put up with his mother taking his picture every 27th of the month. :)

But here's my new thing...

13 Things about Gideon:

1. He has started blowing on his food if he thinks it's "HAW" (hot). His face wraps around his teeth and he forces the air out of the little sliver of mouth that is exposed. (It's very cute.)

2. Gideon loves to spin and make himself dizzy. He spins as fast as he can and then abruptly stops. JR and I watch his eyes dart back and forth, and then he's off again.

3. Whenever he hears the word Monkey or sees one, he starts to make a monkey noise. And he's very proud of it. :)

4. He will sit and play with his big legos for an hour at a time all by himself. And then he has a blast putting them back in the bag they come in.

5. Gideon no longer wants his food in bite-sized pieces. He wants big chunks that he must bite/tear off himself.

6. His favorite commercial jingles right now are "Dollop of Daisy" (sour cream) and "Hello, Capeluto" (bug exterminators). When these are on the tv, he will stop whatever he's doing and run to his "dance spot" and start dancing. Then he looks at me as if to say, "that was a great song, Mom."

7. He's smart. Scary smart. The other day I said that I needed to get more support (meaning I needed to go put on a bra). He walked ahead of me to the bedroom, picked my bra off the floor (yes, it was on the floor) and handed it to me. Now that he knows what a bra is and what it's for... I don't think I'll be changing in front of him anymore. :)

8. I hang my keys on a hook by the door. Last week, as Gideon and I were headed out, he got my keys and handed them back when I said I needed to lock the door. (scary smart)

9. I'll try to list all his words.
All Done
Thank you (sometimes unprompted)

10. Things he will point to when asked where they are:
Daddy's Belly-button
various people

11. He is good about following directions. I'm training him now to be helpful when the baby comes. He brings me the remote when I ask. He will take things to people when asked... (I'm getting a head start on this.)

12. Last week at church there was a little 2 month old baby girl in the nursery with Gideon. He pointed to her and then pointed to his chest, indicating that he wanted to hold her. It was really cute. And then when we were walking through the toy dept. of Wal-Mart, I showed him a baby doll and talked about how we are gentle with babies. He leaned over and kissed the baby doll on the cheek. He's going to be such a great big brother.

13. Gideon continues to be the sweet, even-tempered cuddle-bug that he was when he was born. We are so proud of how he is growing and changing into a little boy. It is a joy spending all day with him.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love this boy! What a smarty-pants :).