I tried to post this yesterday, but it didn't work...
These pictures are just to keep you coming back for more. :)
Yesterday, while I was fixing lunch Gideon reached for an empty bottle that was next to him on the table. He proceeded to chew on it, and cuddle with it.
But don't you think that every day he looks more and more like JR?
Our family is on a mission. After incurring debt due to the lack of insurance for everything pre and post natal, and JR's job transition... we are following Dave Ramsey's guide to get out of debt.
We are strict with our finances. We are smart with our budget. I carry a calculator to the grocery store. We are swearing off credit cards. We deal only in cash. (we even have our own weird voice for saying "Cash" as thought up by JR) And we are being good at sticking with it.
Another change we are making concerns our tv watching/internet usage. We realized that we were spending all the time we had together consumed by the electronic devices in our home.
So now, we only watch the tv shows that we are excited about (LOST, 24, (when those premiere), House, How I Met Your Mother, Grey's Anatomy). And instead of being addicted to the tv, we go on family walks EVERY DAY. And it's great! We are getting more sleep. We are talking and connecting everyday... and as a plus, we are burning calories.
Which brings me to our other area of change. Just as we are re-working our thoughts about money and media, we are re-working our food thinking. We are watching our portion size. We are education ourselves in the ways of the gylcemic index. But have no fear, we're not going overboard. We are just being health-conscious.
This weekend, Katie Johnston is coming to visit. Monday through Friday of next week we will be in Orlando (at a wicked cool hotel where JR has a conference). When we get back from Orlando, Gideon will have his 4 month apt. (so I'll tell you his stats). And then we will be getting everything ready for JR's mom Debby (she probably would rather be known as Gideon's Grandma) to move in with us.
Busy, busy, busy...
and God-blessed.
Have a great weekend!
Dave Ramsey Rocks! We are self-proclaimed "Ramsey-ites", and have managed to stay out of debt because of him. It's good stuff! Congrats on the lifestyle change -- I know it makes you feel good to have more family time!
Thanks as always for the updates and pictures. He's such a cutie!
Have a great time in Orlando, you three! It's certainly a well-earned vacation.
(Not that it's really a vacation for J.R. since he has to be there for work, but hey -- it's Orlando in a nice hotel on someone else's dime. Who's complaining?)
Great pictures! Say 'hi' to Katie for me!
Hugs to my sweet grandson!
G'ma S
Dollface, just wanted to say that I'm big-time proud of you for working to deep-six your debt, Dave Ramsey style! Dave's plan makes tons of sense, doesn't it? Way to go on the dough, baby, and thanks for working for The Man Upstairs. www.debtective.com
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