Our Mission Statement

As a family of servants of God, we seek to Glorify Him by offering our lives as living sacrifices, being intentional about engaging people with Christ and the Gospel, and using the talents and training He has given us through grace to proclaim the Gospel of Grace to those near and far.

Monday, September 4, 2006

I need to start bringing my camera...

Gideon LOVES going to class on Sunday nights at church. Misty even bought a Bumbo for the nursery just for Gideon so we don't have to lug ours around.

I dropped him off at the beginning of class and he sat on the table with the 2 year-old girls and just smiled and flirted with them.

During class, my pager went off, so I went to check on him. But Gideon was fine. He was sitting in the Bumbo with Alexa buzzing around him making sure his pacifier was in his mouth. The pager system was acting up and I got buzzed accidentally.

Then after class, Gideon made the rounds with the grown-ups. Sally Dixon carried him around for a while. And about half-way through dinner, Lynn Dixon brought Gideon back to us.

His eye-lids were droopy... he was going limp... We had a very tired little boy on our hands. So we sat him in the Bumbo, told him to use the baseball that keeps his pacifier attached to his clothes as a pillow and go to sleep. And he did. He leaned his head over on the baseball and was out. I mean... OUT!

He was SO cute. And I didn't have the camera with me. I should've learned from the other Sunday when I wished I had a camera to pack it when we head to church.

I'm glad he enjoys class. He likes watching the other kids. He loves listening to stories. (He actually has a pretty good attention span right now.) And I'm glad that he enjoys meeting new people. (It's good to have an extrovert in the family.) :)


1 comment:

Sign2Jill said...


Your blog makes me smile! I was talking with another mutual friend of ours yesterday and she agreed. This blog is one we love to read! Glad you're doing well. Gideon is such a cutie!

Love, Jill Y.