This was the invitation that we handed out to the people who live around us and a few people from church. The super-hero theme was the major theme for the entire day.
Gideon woke up early (6:30 instead of 8) and his first words to me were: "I put my Iron Man clothes on!"

It made him look like this:

He wore it all day.
He ran outside to show Ana.

Aunt Kelli, Rachel, and Simon called to sing to him. Rachel sang in English, and then sang the Polish birthday song. And Simon mooo-ed for us. The cousins are getting pretty excited about seeing each other.

We web-cammed with Gigi and Papa Dan who are in Greece. The kids asked what was in Greece, to which I said, "A lot of old rocks." But it confused Gideon and Naomi, b/c all they could see was the office in which my parents were web-camming. :)
While we were on the computer with my parents, JR's mom called.
We spent a busy 45 min. chatting with people all over the world. (Just in case you aren't keeping up, that is Poland, Greece, and Florida.)
Then Gideon and I got ready to go out for our birthday date.

He chose Burger King. It is currently his favorite restaurant. And he was hoping to get an Iron Man toy. (He got a Marmaduke toy instead.) We laughed throughout our meal remembering funny things that happened last year on his birthday.
When I asked him what he wanted to do for dessert, he said he wanted to pick out some candy. So we went to Fresh Market and I let him pick out whatever candy he wanted. He chose (surprise, surprise) 2 different shades of blue jelly bellies.
After coming back home, the kids requested taking a nap on the couch.

I snapped this picture really close to the minute of his birth 4 years ago. He's so much bigger now! :)
The rest of the afternoon, we spent getting ready for his small get-together. I was blowing up balloons, which we didn't even include in the party. But G and I love this picture b/c we think he looks like a Muppet.

At around 4 we got to web-cam with the Mosiers.

Can you see Madison and Hudson?
For dinner, G has requested BBQ Chicken pizza with pineapple and black olives.

Here is G waiting for JR to finish up with the dishes so he can open his gifts:

The cards...
Naomi's gift to Gideon is a figurine of J'onn J'onzz the Martian Manhunter. This is a great gift SHE picked out for him. We read the Justice League books aloud and Naomi is always asking who J'onn J'onzz is. Gideon thinks it's pretty funny. Here's how the gift-giving went down:
Gideon got a lot of other great gifts. He is super excited about all of them. And if you know Gideon, you know that I'm not exaggerating about that.
Since I already posted the link to the photos of the party on the last post, I'll just type out about the rest of the day.
We had a good turn out at his party. Even some people from church made the trek out to celebrate Gideon. Gideon picked out s'mores cupcakes and assorted super-hero plates and napkins. And for our purposes, Transformers count as super-heroes. We even had Optimus Prime masks for those guests who showed up without costumes.

Fun was had by all while we were visiting outside. And by 7:30 we brought the kids in for bath time. During our cuddle time, Claudia and Ryan web-cammed. When Uncle Ryan lowered the camera to Claudia's belly, Gideon (unprompted) began talking to Kaden. He called him his special nick-name (Keathan) and talked to him about how he was going to teach Kaden to play with Transformers and that he was going to love on him when he comes out of Claudia's belly. (SO SWEET!)
It took G a long time to settle down after such a full day. But by 10 he finally stopped trekking down the stairs to make up questions to ask us.
He's such a big kid now.
Within the week I hope to get an interview with him to post here on the blog.

1 comment:
I lol watching N hug G! You have very special friends. Looks like everyone had a great time. Very special day for G.
Love you, G!! Grandma
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