Our Mission Statement

As a family of servants of God, we seek to Glorify Him by offering our lives as living sacrifices, being intentional about engaging people with Christ and the Gospel, and using the talents and training He has given us through grace to proclaim the Gospel of Grace to those near and far.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Ada Lynne Landes

When we discovered we were moving to Tallahassee in the summer of 2006, Hannah told me that it was our "job" to expose her cousin, Sara, to Gideon as much as possible so that it would jump-start her desire for starting a family. Now, in all fairness (he he he), the Landes' do have two dogs whose wardrobe is bigger than mine, so they might have felt like they already had kids. :)

Anyway, I took my job seriously, and Sara and Kime were G's first babysitters. They have always been great with him and G just loves them to death.

Well, last spring Sara and I started talking about getting pregnant. And God blessed us both.

Ada Lynne Landes was born a week ago today. And Wednesday we finally got to meet her.

The following is a slide-show of the event. (Ada was 5 lbs. 7 oz. at birth... compared to Naomi's 9 lbs. 1 oz... so now that N has 6.5 weeks on her, she is literally twice Ada's size!!!)


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