And now for the up-date:He's getting weighed and measured next week.
Eating: Gideon (before he got sick) was eating TONS of cereal, baby food, and bottles. He's not very fond of fruits (which I think is weird). His favorite is squash. He looks so happy when he's eating it.
Sleeping: He stopped sleeping through the night when he started to go through his growth spurt. (He gained about a pound a week last month.) And then, when he got sick, he couldn't breathe at all. For two nights the 3 of us didn't sleep for more than 30 min. at a time. But he's breathing a little better now. Last night I had to do the "please-don't-be-dead" walk to check on him. He slept from 9:30 last night until 8:15 this morning. His naps are still good as well. He usually takes about an hour and a half nap during which I eat lunch and get some things done. Then he will usually take another 2 hr. nap later in the afternoon.
Talking: He talks ALL THE TIME! It's so cute. He says "hi" and "hey" (although he doesn't seem to conect them with their meanings yet). He started saying da da dada last week. Goo and Agoo are still part of his vocabulary. However, he has added raspberries into the mix as if they are words as well. And when he can't get someone's attention, he rotates through all of his sounds until they look at him.
Playing: Gideon LOVES to play. He knows when he is being funny too. He will sit on the floor and entertain himself for 30-45 min. without any problem. (are you jealous yet?) And now he is working on crawling. He will throw himself forward from a sitting position, get up on all fours, and go backwards. We're still working on going forward. But I think it'll happen soon. So I've already re-arranged the furniture to block him into a more confined crawl-space. Gideon loves rough-housing with JR. Both of their faces lite up when they play.
Socializing: Well, we are now saying that Gideon has a girlfriend. A beautiful little, blonde, curly-headed girl at church kissed him when we were out at lunch, and Gideon grabbed her and wouldn't let go. But we think Maddison is lovely in looks and personality... so Gideon's starting out with good taste. Gideon also makes it a point to smile at everyone who talks to him. In fact, on Wednesday at church, he was sleepy and didn't smile at someone as soon as he usually does. The lady turned away, Gideon reached out, touched her arm, and as soon as he had her attention again, he graced her with one of his winning smiles. I couldn't've been more proud. He'd remembered his manners. :)
Every day grows more fun with Gideon. He is such a little boy in every sense of the word. His favorite word (meaning the one that consistantly brings a smile to his face or makes him double over in laughter) is "POOPY". I don't know why, but this kid loves that word. I love watching his face lite up when he sees things he knows and recognizing. I love the fact that eventhough he is working on being more mobile, he still loves to cuddle.
I just love this kid SO MUCH!

Ooooh! Looks like Kalleigh has some competition. I really doubt she'll have beautiful blonde curls!
caden didn't care much for fruits either at that age...keep it up, before long the "sweet-tooth" will take over. ;)
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